Thursday, June 30, 2016

Team Viperizer 101

What exactly is Team Viperizer?  --- Well, it began as a sponsorship program for Jr dragster racers all over the country, but in three short months, it has grown to become so much more. had three goals in mind when developing this sponsorship program: Support our racers, support our sport, and support our brand.

Support our racers: We first and foremost want to ensure that we were doing our best to support racers. We want to support those who are doing well on and off the track, as well as help those who are new to the sport.

Support our sport: We love this sport and we want to see more racers get out there and do what they love. We want racers that will not only support Viperizer, but racers that will also encourage other kids to start racing.

Support our brand: We truly appreciate all of the kind words that you have shared about our company over the past two years. We love hearing about our customers and seeing our decals on the track. We want to let everyone know that our company is very invested in our products and in our racers/customers.

With that being said, I wanted to answer a few questions that I have been getting about the program.

1. What is Team Viperizer?
  • Team Viperizer started as a sponsorship program designed to help racers all over the world; however, it has grown into something much more. Team Viperizer has turned into a community of junior racers who support one another on and off the track. The word “team” cannot be emphasized enough. We are elated and very proud of our racers in everything that they are accomplishing.

2. How many levels/packages are there?
  • There are three levels of sponsorship packages. When we developed the program, we had to decide between giving a few racers a large amount of perks or many racers an average amount. We ultimately chose a mix of both and that is how our levels were created. 

3. What are the levels?
  • Level 1 is our beginner package, level 2 is our intermediate package, and level 3 is our pro package. Each level comes with special perks and discounts. If you would like more specific details regarding each package, please email Nicole at

4. How were drivers chosen?
  • Since this was our first year picking sponsored drivers, we looked into many different qualifications (location, age, online presence, experience, schedule, extracurricular activities, etc.). With over 200 racers applying for sponsorship, the competition was tight and our decisions were often difficult. One thing that we paid particular attention to was online presence. We looked for racers who were excited to share their accomplishments and our brand online with their family and friends. We have a strong online presence and we want to be able to interact with our racers on the same level.  We think this is one reason why this program has developed into a phenomenal community of racers.

5. How do I join?
  • All of the 2016 sponsorship spots have been filled; however, we will be accepting applications for the 2017 season in February. We post all of our news and updates on social media. We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Stay connected with us throughout the year, even if you aren’t sponsored. We love hearing from you and we definitely take note of those that are active on our page. Make sure you use the hashtag #TeamViperizer on your posts!

Team Viperizer is not only a sponsorship program, but it is a community of racers that work together and support one another to better this sport. 

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