Monday, May 24, 2021

Featured Racer: Cheyenne Flowers

 Team Viperizer Racer Bio 

Cheyenne Flowers           

Name: Cheyenne Flowers                                     

Birthdate/Age: 7 years old

Team/Crew Name: BC Racing

Team/Crew Member Names: Ryker Flowers, Cheyenne Flowers, Kayden Ashmore

Home Track: Alamo City Motorplex

How long have you been racing? 2 years

When does your season typically start and end? February-December

How many races do you participate in one calendar year? 25

How often do you practice/train? Train daily on the practice tree, train in car when we need to make changes to the car or when they have been missing the tree bad enough.

Why do you race? Its fun to race and I enjoy being around family and meeting new people and going to new tracks

What is your favorite racing memory and why? The first time I won a race and I beat a boy that I didn't think I could win against.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Veterinarian as well as a race car driver

If you were a racing coach, what would you tell your driver? Race your race don't worry about what the other car is doing.

If you could have a racing superpower, what would it be? My superpower would be to hit the same mark on the tree every time. 

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