Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Featured Racer: Dalton Olson

 Team Viperizer Racer Bio 

Dalton Olson

Name: Dalton Olson                                                          

Birthdate/Age: 12/28/2007, 13 years old

Team/Crew Name: Olson Motorsports

Team/Crew Member Names: Doug, Lynne, Robert, Emily

Home Track: Walla Walla Dragstrip

How long have you been racing? Since 2017 season, so 4 years

When does your season typically start and end? End of April to beginning of October

How many races do you participate in one calendar year? At least 25

How often do you practice/train? not often

Why do you race? Just the people involved in the sport and its a huge stress reliever.

What is your favorite racing memory and why? Definitely when I won my last championship, everyone from every class came to congratulate me and say some words to me and it made it so awesome.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Don't really know, maybe a fabricator or machinist

If you were a racing coach, what would you tell your driver? Don't stress about the person you're racing because at the end of the day, we all race for fun.

If you could have a racing superpower, what would it be? To be 0.020 or better for a light.

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