Monday, November 1, 2021

Featured Racer: Shelby Thurman

 Team Viperizer Racer Bio 

Shelby Thurman    

Name: Shelby Thurman                                                       

Birthdate/Age: August 30, 2005

Team/Crew Name: Steve Thurman Performance

Team/Crew Member Names: Steve, Shelby, Lori Thurman

Home Track: Music City Raceway

How long have you been racing? 8 years

When does your season typically start and end? My Season starts in the beginning of March and ends Thanksgiving

How many races do you participate in one calendar year? I race every weekend, anywhere, so when there's no rain it's go time. 

How often do you practice/train? I have a practice tree that I like to hit whenever I'm bored or it's off season. I do that about 3 times a week.

Why do you race? The reason I race is to do something different from everyone. I like to show people how drag racing is something serious. I like feeling the adrenaline whenever I pull onto the track and for people to notice me. 

What is your favorite racing memory and why? Dream Team, my team is a 2X champion with the same people. I like that race because it shows how team work can accomplish anything, when two people lost the other three picked it up.

What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a management analysis when I grow up. It's where you take things and make them better for the future. 

If you were a racing coach, what would you tell your driver? Never get mad at yourself. Do not give up. Focus on the bottom yellow and make sure your tire is in front of there's before you start whomping.

If you could have a racing superpower, what would it be? The power to cut a good light every round.